Mountain bike with view of Zion NP
Board Meeting Minutes

December Board Meeting Minutes

December Board Meeting

  1. Kanab Feasibility Report – Christina (5-10 minutes)
    1. Good possibility
    2. County is behind construction
    3. Future research in February
  2. Board Structure and how to Grow – Group (30 minutes)
    1. Please come prepared to discuss how you feel the best way to move forward with growing in outlying areas. We also need to address how to assign administrative roles and duties. This will determine how we integrate Escalante. Ricki was not told he would become a board member, but that is something that can happen if we


  1. Board members
  2. Outlying communities become subcommittees and can work up to baord members
  3. Board will be broken into subcommittees to take care of administrative rolls.
  1. New trail report – Kevin (5 minutes)
    1. Completion date
      1. Rim is a little wider than needs to be
      2. Goosebumps up to bench is well done, couple of issues
      3. Wide section hopeflly will develop organnically
      4. Must be ridden after it’s wet
      5. Kevin put in some rocks to guide
    2. Ribbon Cutting
      1. Dead Ringer
      2. More Cow Bell
  2. New OTE Trail – Clayton (5 minutes)
    1. Hopefully completed by 17th
    2. Americorp built
  3. Canyons trails – Kenny (5 minutes)
    1. Meeting tomorrow to designate areas for trail development
    2. Still want bike park
    3. Possible HOA
  4. Recent trail work – Monte & Lukas (5 minutes)
    1. About 30 hours in SCRR
    2. 40+ hours on Goosebumps and Hurricane Network
  5. Cedar City – Lukas (5 minutes)


  1. Logo analysis – Group (5 minutes)
    1. Inconsistent what we are being called
    2. Some version of the square one
  2. Liability insurance – Group (5 minutes)
  3. Membership report – Lukas (5 minutes)
  4. Finances – Bonnie (5 minutes)
  5. Sponsors – Monte ( 5 minutes)
  6. Future trail projects – Group (15 minutes)
    1. Wire mesa
      1. Need to start recon
      2. Kevin to talk to Bill
      3. EA?
    2. Trail work?


100% of your membership fee goes directly toward building and maintaining trails in Southern Utah, promoting trail stewardship, and advocating for a healthy lifestyle on two wheels in the great outdoors.



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