Mountain bike with view of Zion NP
Board Meeting Minutes

July Board Meeting Minutes

July Board Meeting

  1. Last meeting follow up (30 minutes)
    1. Cryptobionic/Goosebumps Follow up – (3 minutes)
      1. Ribbon Cutting??? Sept/Oct
      2. Clayton – October
      3. Kenny – Group Ride
      4. Work being done? Looks like someone is working
      5. New trail proposal
        1. Bill
        2. Morgan
        3. Quentin and DJ
  2. Clayton to get proposal going using existing resources
    1. Forest Service Update – ( minutes)
      1. Lukas – set up trail day
    2. Newsletter – (3 minutes) – quarterly Lukas
    3. Twice/year mailer – (3 minutes) Monte,
    4. Glue Pad for bike shops – (3 minutes) Done
    5. Sell’s Pitch – Lukas (5 minutes) Lukas
      1. The why is important
      2. Healthy Lifestyle -also economic
      3. Obesity
      4. Economics
      5. Tourism
      6. Green Space Conversation
    6. MTB Project (5 minutes)
      1. Kevin
  3. Upcoming Trail Projects – Open Discussion (10 minutes)
    1. Where do we need work to be done?
      1. SCRR – Kenny November
      2. Church/Prospectors – Lukas October
      3. Cedar Mountain – Kevin August
    2. Schedule last half of the year
  4. Travel Management Plan (5 minutes)
    1. Update
    2. County – Monte, Kevin
  5. Meeting with Brad – Lukas/Chris/Kevin – (10 minutes)
    1. Getting letter of support
    2. Facts and figures for mountain bikers
    3. Tourism/economic side
  6. Rockville Bench Update – Monte (5 minutes)
  7. Kanab – Chris (10 Minutes)
    1. Feasibility study – IMBA funded
    2. Sand biggest concern
  8. Paiute Reservation – Kenny (10 minutes)
    1. Spoke with Manager
    2. Open to idea
    3. Damon Cooper
    4. Kyle Mcfee – Land manager
    5. Worried about trespassing
    6. Band Meeting Aug 4th
    7. Hoping for next meeting
    8. Possible hookup with future trails
  9. St. George Skills Park – Lukas (5 minutes)
    1. Waiting for land proposal
    2. City on board
  10. Quail Creek Development – Clayton (10 minutes)
    1. Americorp crew hopefully coming out
    2. Water Conservancy District
    3. Big possibilities
    4. All the way around lake
  11. Beaver Dam – Kevin (5 minutes)
    1. Potential
    2. One nice peak for gravity run
    3. Smooth, half pipe like washes
    4. Easy to build
  12. Monthly Rides – Open Discussion (5 minutes)
  13. World Summit


100% of your membership fee goes directly toward building and maintaining trails in Southern Utah, promoting trail stewardship, and advocating for a healthy lifestyle on two wheels in the great outdoors.



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