Mountain bike with view of Zion NP

New Trails Now Open in Spring Hollow!

The wait is over! We’re pleased to announce the soft opening of a new network of trails in the Pine Valley – Spring Hollow area above St. George! Officially titled The Cliffrose Trail System, this new outdoor recreation resource offers Washington County residents and visitors a cooler, higher-altitude alternative to the world famous mesa trails (and soon to be famous Revenant Gravity Flow trails).

The trails can be accessed from Cottonwood Road (FS 30031). A dirt parking lot is located here. As of June, 2024, a few trails are open, with more to be completed later this year. Consult this map for information on the open trails. We’re excited to see this project finally happening, and we hope you are too. See you out on the trails!


100% of your membership fee goes directly toward building and maintaining trails in Southern Utah, promoting trail stewardship, and advocating for a healthy lifestyle on two wheels in the great outdoors.



Dermatology Clinic of Southern Utah